Netflix’s explosive White House Down

Are you wanting to find your next top notch action film on Netflix?

8 years since its release and I still enjoy it.

We’ve all been there before. Netflix has a lot of action films and some of them are completely different to each other. White House Down on the other hand is a lot of fun and its for all audiences. Its explosive, witty and very entertaining. But, I need to convince you to check it out. The film is brought to us by the explosive Roland Emmerich who’s filmography is beyond cool, from fighting an evil alien race in Independence day to directing Mel Gibson in the The Patriot, but why should you check out White House Down?

Despite some mix reviews, some of the best film critics have praised the films resilience for embracing its stupidity. Reviews include Marc Kermode and Whattheflick.

It’s the perfect blend of fun popcorn entertainment with the right balance of action and comedy. It’s consistently entertaining and a lot better than its predecsssarot Olympus as Fallen with Gerard Butler. Here are 3 reasons to check out Netflix’s White House Down.

3) Iconic Duo

There are many iconic duo’s in film history, from Matt Damon and Robbin Williams in Good Will Hunting to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in the cornetto series, but Tatum and Fox work well together. One is a president and the other an everyday action hero. The two comedically clash during parts of the film, but it just adds to the chemistry. The slick style from Jaime Fox coupled with Tatum’s charm makes for an enticing screen presence.

Channing Tatum, left, and Jamie Foxx star in Columbia Pictures’ “White House Down.”

2) The Action

This is why you see this film. You know you are in good hands when Roland Emmerich is directing, yet the action this time feels unique. The film has a bright colour saturation which makes it feel less sombre then its competitor Olympus has Fallen. The film jumps between clausitrphoc hallway shootouts to car chases and rocket launches on rooftrops. It makes no physical sense, but the most important aspect is the visual connection and execution.

1) The Tone

I can not stress this enough. The tone is perfect for this film, its even better than sliced bread. The film needed humour and it has it in some parts and it knows its utter ridiculous. Olympus has Fallen was well directed but it was very serious. The problem with the tone is that the plot is unbelievable beyond believe, Roland Emmerich lifts off the handbrake and gets into fifth gear within a matter of seconds and does it with a slight smirk.

Comparisons have been made to Die Hard, but you have to say that this film may be the best die hard rip off since Die Hard 4.

Published by thereviewawakens

I have a BA in film and thus love to write anything film.

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